Christmas 2010 started early for the Isle of Wight Digital Imaging Group at the last meeting of the year on 15th December 2010 with our not to be missed annual christmas get together.

Thanks for all of the great photographs submitted in 2010 (it’s no wonder we don’t have time for in-house competitions)  looking forward to ‘the new batch’ in 2011.

The evening was well attended with 25 members and their guests and as with last year the most improved photographer was announced. 

Nothing too original perhaps, but our four course seasonal fayre preceeded a run down of what we have all achieved throughout the year (see End of Year 2010 Review: below). 

Mike Cooper received the accolade for 2010, as he has run the gauntlet in not only facing new photography tasks but embarked with gusto and new equipment too.  Mike was presented with a framed print of his Misty Morning image which he took recently.

Lucy Johnson, was also congratulated as an image she took in the early December Snow of Appuldurcombe House was chosen by the Isle of Wight Council Chairman for his Annual Christmas Card. The image as seen, was subsequently printed as a card and sent out on behalf of the Chairman.  It was pleasing to note Lucy was also credited as the photographer.

End of Year 2010 Review:

The IWDIG started a very busy 2010 with a variety of tasks.  Having purchased a Ricoh Digital Compact Camera the race was on to get willing participants back to basic’s.

15+ members produced 330 exeptional images in-camera which were presented to the group.

Presentations by members to emulate their favourite inspirational  photographers (with more to come) produced over 400 images.

A total of 21 group tasks were undertaken including:

  • January and December impromptu Snow Tasks
  • A visit to Quarr Abbey which resulted in photographs being taken in support of Abbey funds. Images were chosen and used as Canvas prints and  for display on their new website.
  • Portrait Shoots
  • Flash Practical

Shoot & View Outings which included:

  • Freshwater, Newtown, Yarmouth and Steephill Cove. The advance party to Newtown, got their dates mixed up and were supplied with much better weather, enough said!  But as always the experience reverted to enjoyable social occasion and impromptu buffet.
  • At Yarmouth we discovered the relationship Francis had with a lamp post stood him in good stead to win the adult section of the Pebble People Competition, Francis then took to his chair to bring us 4 days of the UK Papal visit. 
  • Many of us as usual Walked the Wight see images click here…, we also took up the Bembridge Fort Walk Challenge see images click here… and the opportunity popped up for the IWDIG to be official photographers for a charity Football Match see images click here…  Overall this resulted in an increase of 2,400+ photographs from the previous year (2009).

The website has been functioning very well and for a camera club has proved a popular venue for online visitors.  In 2010 we had 7,436 unique visitors, who provided 432.206 hits from over 14,000 visits.

On a sad note, a former member having passed away, his family contacted us with the request that IWDIG members should benefit from his wealth of digital and analogue photographic items. It was with grateful thanks that almost everyone at the IWDIG were able to pick up a coverted item or two.

The new photographic items came in very useful as 22 members were able to pull together and follow a two week (short notice) exhibition brief. It was well done to everyone who participated as the month long Monochrome Miscellany Exhibition in Ventnor Winter Gardens was a great success. 

As was our first voyage into the national Get Online Week 2010. The online events x 4 we provided over the month, enabled the IWDIG to purchase new equipment which will no doubt come in handy as we have further events planned throughout 2011, more on that news coming soon…

Almost finally in ending the year, we have embarked on a unique IWDIG Calendar Project for Christmas 2011.

And finally… as Gary now teaches photography in High School and with 3 more Primary School courses imminent in January, as a recognised teacher, he thanks us all for providing him with the skills for this new challenge.

I now  take this opportunity to wish you all a very Happy and Prosperous New Year.

Thanks for all of the great photographs submitted in 2010 (it’s no wonder we don’t have time for in-house competitions)  looking forward to ‘the new batch’ in 2011.  Of course we will also appreciate seeing everyone again at 7.30pm on 5th January 2011.

New visitors are always welcome and anyone interested is invited to attend without obligation. The club meets at 7-30 p.m. every  Wednesday throughout the year at Dimbola Lodge in Freshwater.