The Isle of Wight Digital Imaging Group has put the Isle of Wight on the Great British Map by winning the Best in Britain Celebrated Photographer Award 2012.
IWDIG Photographers were nominated last year for the Great Exhibition Awards 2012, as part of a nationwide competition to highlight the country’s best.
“Having accrued 220 votes, we not only topped the poll for photography in the South East region but for the entire UK.”
“Its great to have recognition for so many of our enthusiastic photographers.”
Other notable winners in the Great Exhibition Awards (Love Britain Online) 2012:
The Isle of Wight won (Region) Best In Britain Resort and Bestival won (Unsung) Best In Britain Community Activity in the South East.
The IWDIG est 2004, meet every Wednesday at Dimbola Lodge the former home of renowned Victorian Photographer Julia Margaret Cameron in Freshwater.