On Wednesday we had an introductory ‘painting with light’ session at Dimbola with  20+ taking part to learn the basics.

Painting with light is a photographic technique that involves long exposures and the movement of light, using flashlights or other transient light sources. It is a fascinating technique and a fun way to get everyone involved without having to step out into the cold. 

Mike Thomas provided the basic theory to a somewhat bewildered group, and then as if by magic everyone got the bug and went around finding little dark spaces to practice in.

The light source was our brush, Dimbola our canvas as LED’s and torches lit up the lower ground floor.

The evening ascended into a disco inferno when Nigel (Mary Poppins) produced his bottomless bag of tricks including multi-coloured light sabre and bicycle wheel.  

Thanks to Mike for the helpful theory on indoor Light Painting, because of the popularity this will no doubt lead to more ‘Painting with Light’ sessions outdoors.

I think we can say that despite being inside due to the cold weather everyone enjoyed themselves and left with images they were happy with.

We will view the results next Wednesday.